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Louisville Ham Radio


Greater Louisville Hamfest – September 12, 2015

It’s almost that time again.  The Greater Louisville Hamfest is coming soon.  Below is GLHA chairman Bob Myers’s email regarding the upcoming event:

Hi Fellow Hams!

It’s predicted the weekend will be hot and muggy. The great outdoors might be on hold unless it’s at the local pool or water park. Of course, you can always take in a movie or spend a day with your XYL at the air-conditioned mall. On the other hand, you could also just stay at home and relax… but what to do at home?

Well, maybe this weekend would be a good time to prepare for Greater Louisville Hamfest coming your way on Saturday, September 12 at the Paroquet Springs Conference Centre in Shepherdsville. Do you have old rigs and things just sitting around your ham shack gathering dust? Why not clean up the shack, gather up those things you don’t use anymore and sell them at the show to share with other hams? A table at the show is $12 and the Admission Ticket is $7 if you order by mail. And did I mention that if you get your ticket by mail it will come with a free Extra Prize Ticket?

So, how to get that order in? Well just go to LouisvilleHamfest.com and download a copy of the Space and Ticket Form, Flyer or Mailing. Print it, fill in your order and send us a check and a SASE. Don’t wait long – the deadline for registration is August 29 – less than a month and a half away. If you don’t want to include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope, you can pick up your tickets at the show.

Oh, did I mention mailing? It’s not sent out yet (it will be mailed out later this month), but it is on the website at this link:http://louisvillehamfest.com/mailing.htm where it can be viewed and downloaded. It’s got all the information and events of GLH-2015.

So enjoy your weekend! Keep cool. Be sure to stay hydrated if you’re outdoors and wear plenty of sunscreen. And be sure to sit down at your computer for a spell and surf to LouisvilleHamfest.com to see what’s happening. And there’s a link to our Facebook page there too, if you want to give us a shout.

See you at the show!

Bob Myers K4RVM

P.S. Here’s the info on the hamfest:

Greater Louisville Hamfest 2015
       Saturday, September 12, 2015
8:00am – 2:00pm

         Paroquet Springs Conference Centre
     Admission: $7 Advance, $8 Day of Show
Kids Under 13 FREE!

Talk-In: 146.700 MHz (PL 79.7 Hz)
           and 443.700 MHz (PL 79.7 Hz)
           F R E E    P A R K I N G ! ! !
           Free Friday Night Camping
            (No hookups or dumping)

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