On the Air in Kentuckiana

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Louisville Ham Radio

Louisville and Kentuckiana Amateur Radio Nets

Use this page to find a schedule of Amateur Radio nets in the Louisville, Kentucky, area.  If you spot any errors in the schedule, omissions or inactive nets you can let us know about it by using the contact page.

Louisville, KY Ham Net Schedule

Day Time Freq. PL Notes
SMTWTFS 20:00 3.596 KY CW Net – 15 WPM (Mgr: K4AVX)
SMTWTFS 21:00 3.596 NTS KY CW Net – 15 WPM
SMTWTFS 22:00 3.579 KY Slow CW Net – 5-10 WPM (Mgr: KO4OL)
MTWTF 08:30 3.810 Good Morning Kentucky Phone Net
MTWTF 09:30 3.910 Indiana Traffic Net
MTWTF 13:30 7.283 9th Region Trafic Net 1st Session
MTWTF 15:00 14.345 Central Area Net
MTWTF 17:00 7.283 9th Region Traffic Net 2nd Session
MTWTF 17:30 3.910 Indiana Traffic Net
Su 20:00 146.700- 79.7 Fellowship Hour – KY4KY Repeater
Su 20:30 146.625 Wide Area Repeater Network (WARN)(K4ULW)
Su 20:30 55.430 151.4 6m Net (N7BBW)
Su 21:00 145.470- 151.4 KARS 2m Net – Bardstown
Su 21:30 28.380 USB KARS 10m Net – Bardstown
M 19:00 146.700- 79.7 Mesotrack SKYWARN Net (KY4KY)
M 19:30 146.700- 79.7 Bullitt Co. ARES (KY4KY)
M 19:30 3.9725 KY Emergency Net (KEN)(Mgr: W2LTB)
M 20:00 50.185 USB
50.210 USB
Central KY 6m Net
M 20:00 147.390+ 151.4 Oldham Co. Amateur Radio Club Net (KY4OC)
M 20:30 146.820 Harrison Co. SKYWARN (Frenchtown, IN)(W9BGW)
M 20:30 3.585 Kentucky Digital Modes Net 2 – PSK31
Tu 19:30 146.880- 100.0 Jefferson Co. ARES Net (W4PF)
Tu 20:00 50.175 KARS 6m Net (USB)
Tu 20:00 28.460 KY School for the Blind Net
Tu 20:00 146.625
Wide Area Repeater Ragchewers/Traders Net
Tu 20:00 146.940 67.0 Clark Co. RACES Net (N9TV)(1st/3rd Tues)
W 10:00 147.180+ 79.7 Retiree’s Net
W 20:00 145.130
151.5 Scout Net (FARA)
W 20:30 3.585 KY Digital Modes Net (PSK31)
W 21:00 146.850 Southeast Indiana ARES
W 21:00 147.000+ 173.8 Shelbyville, KY Club Net
Th 19:30 147.225 179.9 Grayson Co. Amateur Radio Society Net
Th 20:00 146.980 Lincoln Trail ARC Net (E-town)
Th 20:30 147.180+ 79.7 ARTS Club Net/Swap Shop (W4CN)
Th 20:30 444.050+ 91.5 Linked 440 Net (KB4PTJ)
Th 20:30 146.835- 107.2 Anderson Co. ARES
Sa 21:30 53.430 151.4 6m Net