On the Air in Kentuckiana

Welcome to the Amateur Radio Kentuckiana ham radio resource website.

Feel free to look around and find information including local Ham nets, repeater information, club info, license information, local Ham events and more.


Louisville Ham Radio

About the Louisville Ham Radio Website

Thanks for visiting the Louisville Ham Radio Resource website.  This website is currently maintained by a couple of local radio amateurs in the Louisville area.  We built and maintain this site because we are interested in Amateur Radio and we hope that you find the information here useful.

Our goal is to provide a valuable resource to existing radio amateurs in the Kentuckiana area, visiting Hams and anyone else who stumbles across the site.  We also want to provide helpful information to new Hams and those who are just now looking to get into Amateur Radio and encourage them to move forward into the hobby.

This website is here for the benefit of all Hams in the Louisville area and beyond.  We try to aggregate a variety of resources here that might otherwise take a lot of online search time and we want to continually grow to meet the needs of our visitors.  If you have questions, comments or suggestions for the site, please feel free to use the Contact Us feature of the website to let us know.

Future expansion planned for the Louisville Ham Radio website includes:

  • Our own domain name (URL) – done
  • Repeater and Net information for more amateur bands
  • Discussion forums
  • A ham equipment buy/sell/trade area
  • An amateur radio glossary
  • More useful links as we find them
  • Your suggestion here…

If you enjoy the Louisvile Ham Radio Resource website and found the information here useful, you might consider helping to support website operations and expansion with a small gift via PayPal using the button below.  Such a gift can help cover expenses (such as hosting and development), time and effort and keep the website up to date and growing while minimizing the amount of potentially distracting advertising displayed on our pages.  Note that donations are not tax deductible.