SKYWARN Recognition Day was jointly created in 1999 by the NWS and the ARRL to celebrate the contributions by volunteer SKYWARNTM radio operators to the National Weather Service. The 2013 Event will be held December 7. For more details, visit the official SKYWARN Recognition Day page.
View the event in the Louisville Ham Radio Calendar.
In the Louisville, the event station (callsign WX4NWS) will be operating on the 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, 6m and 2m bands in SSB, CW, FM modes during the following UCT hours: 00:00-06:00Z and 12:00-22:00Z. The Eastern Time Zone is Coordinated Universal Time -4 hours.
Louisville SKYWARN Recognition Day QSL information and requests may be sent to:
NWS Louisville
6201 Theiler Ln
Louisville, KY 40229
Operating Procedures are as follows:
- Object For all amateur stations to exchange QSO information with as many National Weather Service Stations as possible on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meter bands plus the 70 centimeter band. Contacts via repeaters are permitted. SKYWARNTM Recognition Day serves to celebrate the contributions to public safety made by amateur radio operators during threatening weather.
- Date NWS stations will operate December 7, 2013, from 0000 – 2400 UTC.
- Exchange: Call sign, signal report, QTH, and a one or two word description of the weather occurring at your site (“sunny”, “partly cloudy”, “windy”, etc.).
- Modes: NWS stations will work various modes including SSB, FM, AM, RTTY, CW, and PSK31. While working digital modes, special event stations will append “NWS” to their call sign (e.g., N0A/NWS).
- Station Control Operator: It is suggested that during SRD operations a non-NWS volunteer should serve as a control operator for your station.
- Event and QSL Information: The National Weather Service will provide event information via the internet. Event certificates will likely be electronic and printable this year. Stay Tuned!